The Return of UraBoku – Story 53 Chapter Snippets

Time for news of UraBoku!

It’s back, back, back. After nearly a year long hiatus, the new chapter is out! I meant to share the latest snippets right after putting up 07-Ghost final chapter. Somehow, things got busier and I had to set it aside. But anyway, we won’t be having such problems this month. So, keep a look out for the newest teasers. This will become a regular feature, taking over the spot from 07-Ghost which had just ended.

To celebrate UraBoku’s come back, Asuka featured the manga on it’s cover of the Oct issue.
S53 _0001

Well, I won’t say that it’s a bumper chapter because Story 53 contained just 45p worth of manga panels. The chapter basically continues from where Story 52 left off, right after Yuki learned about some past history from an elder and their seemingly divided intentions. Divided because apparently some of the elders don’t see eye to eye with Takashiro and seemed to possess their own agenda when it comes the Yuki. I wonder if we’ll see a 3-party conflict later on down the line. If that ever happens, things are going to get disastrous for the Zweilts and Yuki. Anyway, undercurrents are already brewing as evident by what happened to Shusei and Touko previously.

To view the chapter, just click on the *icon* or the blue button below the page.

 photo S53_000A.jpg

20 thoughts on “The Return of UraBoku – Story 53 Chapter Snippets

  1. loki_lee

    waaaah, a chapter after vol 11 (TTATT) thankyou so much…

    By any chance do you know what is happening with UraBoku now? Is Odagiri sensei ok? I haven’t heard any updates about it in a long time…


  2. mahsanaru

    hello.i’m one of the Sky Of Snow Scanlation members.can i ask you a favor?is it possible to provide us with Uraboku’s scans?we will credit you as raw provider.thank you and sorry for the trouble.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. hi. About the Uraboku scans, which chapter is it that you want to start from? I don’t mind providing the scans as I was given a heads up by the group catching up with the earlier chapters. So, do let me know.
      Also, may I know the contact point? I normally send the DL link by email. You can drop your reply to: ^_^


  3. gillian

    Thanks for sharing! I know I am a bit late, the next one is as good as on our doorstep, but that means I hopefully won’t have to wait too long then before the next chapter.

    And yes! Some Shusei and Hotsuma and their teachers in the chapter. Can’t wait to have the English version in my hands and read what is all going on. And hopefully Shusei will wake up soon again …


    1. Yuki tiene una pesadilla en donde se encuentra, primero en su forma anterior de mujer, y despues en su forma actual, cuvierto en sangre, deiciendo que ‘este poder ha de ser la esperanza, aunque ese mismo traiga la muerte de otros.’
      Yuki le da mas de su poder a shuusei hasta que hostuma le dice que ya fue suficiente, y que descanse el tambien. Yuki le confiesa que el sigue pensando en las preguntas que le hará a takashiro cuando lo vea, y las respuestas que recibira acerca de su madre, su pasado y luka. Tambien le confiesa a hotsuma sentirse culpable por dejar a shuusei sin haber recuperado el conocimiento. Hotsuma le dice que no se preocupe por nada, que el hastara al pendiente de shuusei, y que yuki no intente cargar con todo solo, que para eso esta el a su lado, apoyandolo. En ese momento entran tsukumo y touko, reclamandole a hostuma su uso del singular, y que ellos tambien apoyan a yuki.

      Despues, los maestros y tsukumo el enseñan a yuki una biblioteca privada donde solo pueden entrar los zweilts, yuki, takashiro, y los maestros. Ahi le confiesan a yuki que ellos, como takashiro, llevan un duras sellado en una parte de su cuerpo pada tener elpoder suficiente de luchar junto a ellos contra los duras, o sea, demonios. Le piden a yuki que les permita pelear al lado suyo, y yuki acepta, conmovido.

      Kuroto, habiendo abandonado por completo la discrecion, interoga, junto con senshiro, al ‘presidente’ de la clase donde pertenece el estudiante al cual conocieron el otro dia. Descubrem que posblemente el mismo podria estar en posesion de un ‘grimoire’, o un linro para traer demonios a este mundo.

      Sairi recuerda que en tiempos oscuros y llenos de guerra y sangre, yuki era la uncia luz y paz en sus vidas, y lamenta no haber echo mas por ella y por su maestro (cuyo nombre no recuerdo). Sale, y al encotrarse con,uka, le dice que nunca lo perdonara, ni a el, ni a si mismo.

      Luka recuerda una epoca en la cual tenia miedo de que yuki regresara (de seguro cuando apenas se conocian), pero yuki regresa en el presente y luka admite que el separarse de yuki es imposible, porque a donde vaya yuki, el lo acompañara, aunque sea hasta el fin del mundo.

      Espero que esto te ayude!


  4. It was a bit difficult to read since on my laptop the kanji are too small, so maybe I missed something, but why did he say that he couldn’t forgive neither Luka nor himself? I feel sorry for Luka once again here. I have missed a couple of chapters (only seen the snippets) but I guess there’s not much progress in the story, is there? Doesn’t look like it’s going to end anytime soon.
    Thank you for the snippets^^


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