Sacred Seven OP Single: Stone Cold by FictionJunction

Music Post!

Well, what do you know? I just got round to having a few spins of this recently released single from FictionJunction.

CD Title: TV Anime Sacred Seven Intro Theme “Stone Cold”
Artist(s): FictionJunction
Release Date: 3-Aug-2011
Kajiura Yuki and FictionJunction return with their 3rd OP Single ‘Stone Cold‘ that served as the intro theme to TV anime ‘Sacred Seven‘. Fast paced techno beats, swirly guitars back by synths coupled with catchy chorus and fab harmonized vocals made ‘Stone Cold’ one energetic uptempo number. While the anime OP cut did not give me that impression, I did find the full version of the song a tad on the repetitive side after a few listens. However, the trade mark Kajiuran ethereal chorals in the break made for an interesting contrast that lifts the song from being just another average anime song.

What I like about this single is the B-side song ‘Hitori Goto‘. It’s rare to have a single where you actually like the B-side more and in this case, I thought the melodic ballad stood as the stronger track than ‘Stone Cold’. It’s a beautiful, expressive song with a soothingly sublime melody and gorgeous melding chorals that envelopes me at first listen but then again, that’s just me. Ah, that soulful solo saxophone in the interlude added an extra element that made the listening experience even more pleasurable. xD I definitely think it’s a much better song than ‘Hitomi no Chikara‘ and ‘Nohara‘, the other two B-side ballads on their earlier OP singles. I preferred the floaty but contrasting vocal delivery on ‘Hotori Goto’. The layered melody and harmony prevents the song from falling into a flat monotony.  Overall, ‘Stone Cold’ is still a listenable and enjoyable FJ single.

Catalog No.: VTCL-35114
Format: CD
Number of discs (or other units): 1
Like it, Buy it at: cdjapan, yesasia


Track 01: Stone Cold

Sacred Seven OP Clip:

Not the most exciting OP visuals but ya, the little scooter ride is somewhat amusing. ^_^

Track 02: ひとりごと Hitori Goto

Track 03: Stone Cold (Instrumental)
Track 04: ひとりごと Hitori Goto (Instrumental)

3 thoughts on “Sacred Seven OP Single: Stone Cold by FictionJunction

  1. Most of Yuki’s songs are very cool. But I don’t know why, for some reasons, so many anime fans don’t even know her name although they often watch animes with songs composed by her 😦 Do you often feel that way?


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