KuroBas – Why so funny, eh?

Ahem! Happy Mother’s Day to Momsies everywhere including yours! ^_^

What’s that got to do with Kuroko’s Basketball? Nothing really. 😆 I feel the need to just say a greeting and mothers are special people after all. We won’t be here without our mothers now, won’t we?!

But yeah, let’s babble on about Kuroko’s Basketball. This is so random because I just wanted to chatter about KuroBas. See, I put this little montage of images together as a fangirl appreciation. (*^^*)


I‘m really enjoying both the anime adaptation and manga. I dunno about other viewers but I think the anime is hilarious. I thought the mangaka’s humour (or jokes, if you like) translated really well into the anime. I can’t help but chuckle while watching an episode or maybe I’m just shallow and easy to please. Continue reading “KuroBas – Why so funny, eh?”