Random fiddling – Giving my ol’ desktop a new look :)

Another oh! so random post.

How do I look now with my new updated look, eh? Neat or not? If you don’t already know, blue is my overwhelmingly favourite colour and it’s the main colour theme for my desktop…as you can see. (^_-)

Time on my hands, nay you must be joking. I didn’t want to be bored out of my wits looking at the same old image and arrangement on my desktop screen which is considerably ‘old’ anyway. I reckon it needed a makeover of sorts. Clean out the clutter, change the wallpaper and updated it with google desktop gadgets to give it a spanking new look. Guess I’m happy with it for the time being. I’m so not techno savvy especially when I’m still having a hard time trying to figure out Ubuntu on my netbook. Awfully glad it had a dual OS that I could switch back to Windows. So duh! I know. Oh well, at least, I managed to fix my trusty old desktop pc. 😆

K∀RNEVAL Vol.7 Limited Edition – Cover, Inserts plus Extras


Volume 7 of Karneval by Mikanagi Touya was released on Apr-24. The latest tankoubon featured chapters 37 to 42. There are actually 2 editions with different jacket art being released. The normal edition has Jiki on the cover whereas the limited edition has Gareki. The limited edition also comes with 3 character cards and an illustrated clear folder. Personally, I think the normal tank has the nicer cover but I’d gotten the limited edition for the extras. 😛 Lame, I know. But anyway, Karneval fans would be interested to see what the freebies are, won’t they? 😆 As usual, the extras will only be made available on my LJ.  Enjoy!

To see more, just click me!

Music Digest: OP Songs Selections 1


It has been a very long time since I last did a music post. To get myself back in the groove, I’m going to go about it in a different manner than the way I used to do before. Instead of just announcing a string of OP/ED singles releases coupled with my crappy “reviews”, I am picking a selection of OP/ED and insert songs that caught my interest and do a short compilation post.

To begin with, here are my first choice of songs See the rest of my selections after the cut

A peek at Uraboku’s Art Book ‘Phosphor’ plus Snippets of Chapter 41b

Hotaru Odagiri’s illustrative art book for *Uragiri wa Boku no Namae wo Shitteiru* titled ‘PHOSPHOR‘ was released on 22-April (last month) and I had pre-ordered it way back in Dec of 2010. I received the art book nearly 2 weeks ago but was just to busy to gab about it. But since I’m in the mood to post again, I opt to share some preview teaser scans from the art book and of course, snippets of the latest chapter that was out in Asuka June edition as well.

PHOSPHOR’s Jacket Cover
Image Heavy Preview Spam Beyond the Cut

Sneak Peek: 07-Ghost Kapitel 70


Alright You Peeps from the 07-G fandom! Squirm with happiness because we know you want to be spoiled with the latest, *mostest* chapter of the manga i.e. Kapitel 70.

All I’m gonna add to that is …’AYANAMI, VERLOREN, AYANAMI’… and oh! Why oh Why you silly boy! Did you really have to get yourself knock out and get kidnap again? Fraaaaauuuu, oh noes!
Take a sneak peek at Kapitel 70 beyond the cut